Dennis Daly
It is with great sadness that the WSEH Committee announces the death of Dennis Daly. The loss of a very special man and the end of an era for WSEH.
Dennis joined WSEH aged 16 and was still involved in the club at the time of his passing, aged 86. During his 60 year tenure with WSEH, Dennis held many roles and worked tirelessly for the benefit of the club and athletics in general. His heart was in the club and the club was in his heart.
He competed initially as a talented sprinter but later as an excellent Hammer & Discus thrower. He then became a much loved coach, was a team manager and held the post of Honorary Secretary for many years. Included in the notable things that Dennis did, was the setting up of an annual exchange with the Osnabruck Turnabund club in Germany, a partnership which ran for 40 years, providing great experience for our young athletes.
His funeral will be on Monday 23rd December, and will commence around 11am, with him being taken on a lap of honour around the track. All members are welcome to attend this to give Dennis a send off from the stand.
Those with a long or close relationship with Dennis might wish to attend his funeral and/or the post funeral celebration of his life. If you would like to do so, please email both Irene Speller and Paul Green by Saturday 7th December( / who will log your interest and get back to you once everything is confirmed.
There is a limit on numbers, so please get back to us promptly to avoid disappointment.
If you are in touch with other ex-club members who may wish to pay their respects, please do pass this email on to them at your earliest convenience. Thanks again.